אירוע זיכרון - 70 שנה לפוגרום קילצה
The Conference - 9th May 2016, Kielce, in the building of former synagogue
10.00 Beginning
Leading: Andrzej Białek, Director of the Institute for the Culture of Encounter and Dialogue
Welcome: Bogdan Białek, the chairman of Jan Karski Society
Introduction: Michael Schudrich, the Chief Rabbi of Poland
Introduction: Fr Jan Piotrowski, the Bishop of Kielce Diocese
10.30 First Part „The Spiritual Dimensions of Forgiveness and Mercy”
Introduction and leading: Prof. Bożena Saynok
Archbishop Henryk Muszyński, the Primate Senior
Rabbi Abraham Skórka
Fr Wacław Hryniewicz, Professor Emeritus of KUL
12.00 Break
12.30 Second Part „And Show Us Our Guilty... The Politics and Remorse”
Introduction and leading: Fr Tomasz Dostatni OP
Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, former Prime Minister of Polish Government
Ewa Juńczyk-Ziomecka , former Minister in the President Lech Kaczyński Office, the participant of the 60 anniversary of Kielce Pogrom
Wojciech Lubawski, the Mayor of Kielce, the participant in the last 10 anniversaries of Kielce Pogrom
13.15 Third Part - The giving award „The Man of Reconciliation” to Rabbi Abraham Skórka
Introduction and leading: Fr Grzegorz Michalczyk, Vicepresident of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews
Laudation: Bogdan Białek, Co-president of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews
14.00 Break
15.30 Screening of the movie „Bogdan’s Journey”
This is the full-lenght documentary, american-polish co-production (partly founded by Polish Institute of Film Art). It’s about the Kielce Pogrom and about the way to reconciliation.
17.15 Fourth Part „The Ways to Reconciliation - Testimonies”
Introduction and leading: Zbigniew Nosowski, Editor-in-chief of „Więź”
Mikołaj Krawczyk, Jew coming from Kielce
Andrzej Saramowicz, Muslim coming from Kielce
Wojciech Eichelberger, therapeutist and buddhist
Rabbi Joel Chaim Nowicki
Fr Henryk Paprocki, orthodox theologian
Fr Manfred Deselears, catholic priest who works in Oświęcim
18.45 the end of conference